Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Three Weeks of Fun

Wow... time really does fly when you are having fun!! The baby turns 3 weeks old today and it is hard to believe that he has been around for 21 days. There have been some sleepless nights and some fussy days but worth every minute of exhaustion to get the small cuddles from the new Kuysten baby. Ian is handling his new role as a big brother fabulously!! I could not ask for a better transition! We have even ventured out for a little shopping and a night out to eat and lived to tell about it.
The milestones start to run together now with Ian so I am not sure when he did what as an infant without checking the baby memory book. Luke smiled tonight--we think this was a real one but can't ever rule out gas with a 3 week old little one. I think it was a real smile!! He also turned to his side about a week ago which shocked all of us. The tummy troubles are much much better after changing formulas and he is starting to show signs of a real schedule. Luke sleeps anywhere from 3-5 hours at night and loves to be awake in the mornings. He wants to sleep in my arms during the daytime and resists being in the crib some as long as it's daylight outside. We are finding our way and learning each other every minute and finding the beautiful balance!
We have had lots of family help and are eternally grateful for all the wonderful friends who have pitched it and brought dinners and presents for the little guys. You are all great and we feel so blessed!
Looking forward to the next week and can't believe it's almost a month since this little guy arrived!

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